Finalization of the CAN- project SKOG/FOREST 12.07 – 26.10.2015

SKOG – Vi eier skogene / We own the forests   12.07 – 26.10.2015
Production by Liv-K. Nome

At Tøyen subway station, close to the Munch museum in Oslo, 30.000 people are rushing through each day. Here Concerned Artists Norway had in 2015 a series of interdisciplinary exhibitions with the parent theme: Kollaps og nye fortellinger /
Collapse and new stories. Exhibitions concerning the climate challenges, and how to deal with them.

In my story, about the delicate forests management, I got to invite Per Ingvar Haukeland, (a profiled natural-philosopher in the line of Arne Næss and the deep ecology) and the forest scientist from NIBIO – Gunnhild Søgaard to take direct part in the project of 5 chapters. They shared from their great knowledge, making the art-work truly grounded.

1. Postcards of two themes


postkort skog.jpg
Photo: Liv-K. Nome, Grafic design by  Elin Sørensen

2. Exhibition 12.07 – 26.10 at Tøyen Subwaystation

monter 2 skog utstilling egne foto.jpg“Fossen i grenseland #1″ /”The waterfall in the borderland#1” 3.50 x 1.75 cm photo on banner  and objects from the forest by Liv-K. Nome/grafic design Elin Sørensen.

The waters in the river is highly polluted. The story of this place of rare birds and important ecology continues…..2016

mindre monter 3 skog utstilling egne foto-kopi.jpg

“Hogstfelt” /”Felled area” 3.50×1.75cm photo on banner and objects from the forest by Liv-K. Nome/Facts about the norwegian forests by Gunnhild Søgaard.

This area is a private ground with a public woodland road, now gone. More than 85% of the forest is privately owned. Now, the government want to sell out the rest!

mindreMonter 4 skog utstilling egne foto-kopi.jpg“Rapporter fra skogen” /”Research raports from the forest” 3.50×1.75 cm collage on banner by Liv-K. Nome/grafic design Elin Sørensen. Objects by Liv-K. Nome

The scientists of NIBIO have worked out several raports about sustainable forestry. Why do not the politicians use them? The scientists say that at least 10% of the use possible forest should be protected to support the diversity. Now, only 3% of the norwegian forest is protected areas.


monter 1 skog utstilling egne foto.jpgInformation display about the exhibition, and a extract from a text by Per Ingvar Haukeland . Grafic design by Elin Sørensen
All documentary photos by Tor-Egil Braaten

3. Conversation about Forest  with scientists, artists and public at ROM for kunst og arkitektur 02.09.

fra dybdesamtalen.jpgfra dybdesamtalen 2

look up.jpg Gunnhild Søgaard and Per Ingvar Haukeland came to the arrangement and gave us valuable and inspirational information about their field of work. The conversation flowed lightly in the group of public.

Electroperc with Marius Kolbenstvedt, Tor-Egil Braaten and Liv-K. Nome did two songs;  Look up the heavens and Orbit Agenda.


foran utstillingen på tøyen.jpg
Per Ingvar Haukeland, Liv-K. Nome and Gunnhild Søgaard visiting our exhibition before the arangement at ROM for kunst og arkitektur.

4. Performance –  finalizing  26.10 Electroperc at Tøyen Subway station

finale skog.jpgLiv-K. Nome, Marius Kolbenstvedt and Tor-Egil Braaten . Live performance the last day of the exhibition.

5. Newspaper article in NY TID -monthly publication 12.11 – 16.12

avisartikkel skog 12.11.2015.jpg

The article contained three parts
1: Vi eier skogene/we own the forests by Liv-K. Nome,
2: Fakta om skogen i Norge /Facts about the forests in Norway by Gunnhild Søgaard
3: Livstreet som forsvant/ The tree of life that disappeared by Per Ingvar Haukelan


Every part of this project was based on voluntary work, I received two grants of nok 5000,- each, from Frogn Kommune and Nesodden Folkeopplysningsråd. This covered some of the costs for the printing of the big photographs. Also I got some small CAN-funds to print the postcards.

Thank you ALL for the great participation! You know who you are…Without you, this would not have happened. Love and appreciation.

I am currently working with the “Fossen i grenseland # 2”  an ecoartvideo-documentary and concert with video-scenography about the pollution of the rivers of Nesodden, my home county. This photo, with the skull from my woods, taken at Tøyen Subway station when we did the down-rig of the exhibition,  is a part of that story.

skalle nr 1 fra tøyen utstillingen liten

Concept by Liv-K. Nome, Photo by Jan Fines

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