“SACRED” multimedia forestilling

Liv Nome

Island 2. sept. 2017

«Liv and Solla participated in our annual A! Performance festival in Akureyri. They performed a piece they called SACRED; Try to remember the smell of old forest and the drink of clean water. Their performance was full of focus towards nature, it was inspiring and full of hope. They did the performance in total harmony and people left with warmth in their heart.»

Gudrun Thors   

Project manager of A! performance festival 2017. Akureyri Iceland

SACRED; Try to remember the smell of old forest and the drink of clean water

Co-Lab Thora Solveig Bergsteinsdottir (Is) og Liv-K. Nome(No)

Solla og Liv Performance A! 2.sept. 2017 Akureyri“Lille måltrost lille måltrost hvorfor er du så glad? Lille måltrost lille måltrost hvorfor er du så glad? Jo, fordi jeg har rede som ingen kan ta, langt inni skogen den grønne.”

Sacred er en tverkunstnerisk multimedia-produksjon for galleri og scene som omhandler miljø-utfordringene i verden. Den…

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